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Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) is a recognized computer-delivered English language assessment tool. Since all components are completely computer-delivered in just one sitting, it offers a unique testing experience that requires no additional appointments. The computer-delivered Speaking component allows test takers to demonstrate their English proficiency without the possible confounding effects associated with human interaction as used in other testing systems. The CELPIP-General Test provides Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and other users with an accurate measurement of English language proficiency in common usage situations.

斜体字部分强调的信息,CELPIP是为CIC所使用,在common usage situations下的语言能力衡量。CELPIP考察的是语言常见的,普遍的,日常的使用场景,这一点较雅思生偏的考察方向而言,更接地气,这从一个方面解释了,为什么思培听力阅读都考的普遍较高,不是说它简单,所谓难者不会,会者不难。成绩较高这是因为对大部分同学而言,在加拿大几年的时间,阅读和听力是接触最多的,而这部分内容与工作生活又是高度统一的。

第二个需注意的地方是,在移民类CELPIP 的描述中用到的是Designated by,而入籍类CELPIP的描述中用到的Accept by。Designated是指定的意思,要比accept的意义更主动。所以CIC的重点在CELPIP,CELPIP的重点在G类。

—— 第一思培原创,请勿转载

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