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思培写作切勿“冠冕堂皇”(思培备考全攻略 第五十一期)

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在思培写作的评分标准里面提到了关于vocabulary的要求,²demonstrates a range of suitable words and phrases. 我们看这个评分标准强调的是suitable和range,range要求你有词汇选择的多样性,不能够重复,而suitable说明,词汇的选择以恰当适宜为要求。在雅思写作的评分标准中,我们会看到less common words的使用,这样的评分要求。但是要注意,即使是在雅思写作中,less common的要求,也不是说要一定要使用大词和生僻词。



1due to the fact that 使用due to或者because of。 很多同学们都知道due to的意思,大概是从学习because,然后有人告诉你due to也是表示原因的。好,due to表示原因,通常是直接跟一个名词,或者名词性短语。due to the fact that,的由来,大部分人都是想用due to后面加一个句子来表示原因,才这样去使用。因为fact that后面就可以加一个同位语从句,这样就可以加句子了。从语法上看,这样写也没有错误,但是从用法上来看,这样写就会非常的奇怪。

2 On a weekly basis On a weekly basis实际上就是weekly的意思。只是说使用的场合相对比较正式和书面,思培写作整体是没有那么正式的,不管是email还是survey,一般使用weekly这样的词语,就可以很恰当的表达意思。

3 in a nutshell 看起来很酷,在很多讲技术的blog中经常可以看到这个词。表示概括。但是我要注意,这个词too informal。我们最好不要在思培写作中使用。

4 overwhelming overwhelming这个词算的上是一个大词。但是,他的使用要非常小心,因为他表示的意思非常的强烈。在使用中,通常有两种意思。我们要了解和overwhelming常见的搭配。

一种表示数量上的巨大。Very great in amount.。常见用法: the overwhelming number of people an overwhelming amount of The overwhelming majority of people Overwhelming evidence

一种表示程度的强大,势不可挡的。 overwhelming victories an overwhelming advantage overwhelming emotion overwhelming fear


5 I am in possession of 实际上就是想表达我有什么,这个表达看起来很复杂,用了介词短语,用了名词性词组。但是在实际使用中,完全可以用I possess代替,但是最好的还是用I have,简单明了。举个例子: I am in possession of some information that I think will interest you. 简单说就是I have some information that I think will interest you.

6 Jeopardize 中文意思是危及;使处于危险境地;英文解释是Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. 这个词一般不直接跟人,一般不说jeopardize somebody。尽管从中文意思看,可以说使你处于危险境地,但是从英文角度看,会用jeopardize your health或者jeopardize people's life. 这样具体的表达。 我们在使用一个词的时候,不仅仅是知道这个词的意思,更要知道这个词怎么用。下面就是部分jeopardize 的用法。

 jeopardize your benefits  jeopardize the lives of society.  jeopardize your health  jeopardize your chance of success.  jeopardize the success of 

7 deteriorate  中文意思是恶化。从英文解释,get worse来看,这个词可以和很多名词搭配,包括抽象和非抽象的名词。其中,抽象名词的使用会更普遍,如condition, situation, relationship, health, status, etc。

The situation for Japanese film-makers in the mid-1940s had deteriorated to unbearable levels. The relationship deteriorated to the extent where they would split up and get back together.  Vision and hearing tend to deteriorate with age, but smell usually holds up well. 非抽象名词: For example, bathroom wallpaper may deteriorate rapidly due to excessive steam. 

8 deficiency 中文意思是缺乏;不足。从英文解释看,deficiency主要用于三个方面。 A deficiency that someone or something has is a weakness or imperfection in them. Deficiency in something, especially something that your body needs, is not having enough of it. The amount by which something, especially revenue, falls short; a deficit. 我们可以通过英文解释,去发现一个单词的正确用法,如果仅仅是看中文意思,就可能出现词不达意,中式英文的情况。 关于人体缺乏某些东西: That might lead one to think that women may suffer more mineral and vitamin deficiencies than men. Low iron is the most common nutrient deficiency in the United States. 关于数量上的不足: a budget deficiency of $96 billion 关于weakness : For if you love someone greatly, your love will be great enough to tolerate his or her shortcomings or deficiencies. It's obvious there is a relationship between economic deficiency and criminal activity,



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